„Travelling or unemployment looks better than having an empty space on your CV“ – Nathan Greenhalgh, Sizmek
Nathan Greenhalgh, Talent Acquisition Manager bei Sizmek

„Travelling or unemployment looks better than having an empty space on your CV“ – Nathan Greenhalgh, Sizmek

Niels Fasbinder | 21.01.16

Nathan Greenhalgh, Talent Acquisition Manager bei Sizmek, gibt spannende Einblicke in den Bewerbungsprozess der Onlinebranche.

Ihr habt euch schon immer gefragt, wie Firmen ihre Bewerbungsprozesse meistern? Auf was wird besonders geachtet und welches sind absolute No-Gos? Wir haben mit Nathan Greenhalgh, Talent Acquisition Manager bei Sizmek, gesprochen, um genau das für euch herauszufinden. Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Interview mit Nathan Greenhalgh, Talent Acquisition Manager bei Sizmek

OnlineMarketing.de: Please introduce yourself and your company shortly

Nathan Greenhalgh: Nathan Greenhalgh, Talent Acquisition Manager for Sizmek. At Sizmek Technologies we help our global clients across the digital advertising spectrum: building and targeting ads, managing and activating data, buying media, managing and evaluating campaigns, and more.

We work with more than 3,400 agencies, over 17,000 brand advertisers, and 22,000 global web publishers, and serve ads in more than 70 countries. We have over 1000 people across 48 countries dedicated to helping advertisers and agencies make better digital campaigns.

Which recruitment channels do you use at Sizmek?

We use multiple channels to recruit, but our preferred method is using employee referrals. Recommendations from our trusted employees are usually very successful, and we offer a sizeable bonus in return by way of an incentive.

We also use LinkedIn, Xing and other local job boards to headhunt candidates ourselves, and engage recruiters for particularly tricky roles to fill.

What do you think are typical errors in job applications?

Candidates should take great care to check their applications for spelling and grammatical errors. If you can’t take the time to review and correct your CV then we will question your ability to communicate with clients in the same way.

Applications should also cover everything you have done. If this means travelling or a period of unemployment, that looks better than having an empty space on your CV!

Das Office von Sizmek in Hamburg
Das Office von Sizmek in Hamburg

How does a typical application process look like?

Having received a good CV we will make contact with the candidate as soon as possible (if we think they look good, our competitors will as well!)

We then arrange a first round interview with the hiring manager. If the applicant is out of the country we will arrange this over video conference, but wherever possible we try to arrange this in person at our offices.

Following a successful first round interview we arrange for a second round of interviews with someone from HR and a senior manager.

We try to keep the interview process to an absolute maximum of three rounds out of courtesy to the candidate.

Tell us  a secret : What does a potential candidate have to do, to leave a memorable impression?

Research, research and more research! Showing an interest in the product(s) you’re about to work with is essential, and even if you are booked in for a last-minute interview you should still find the time to read through recent news articles and the company website thoroughly – at the very least.

Was there a moment in an interview , that made you speechless?

We had a candidate who left the room three times during the interview. It was probably just nerves, but makes for a difficult experience for those interviewing as well as the candidate!

What does working for Sizmek make an unique experience?

Working somewhere that is constantly changing its product offering makes for exciting times. We’re working some of the best and brightest minds in the industry, and every day brings something different. The company is continuing to grow – no easy feat in the current climate – and all of our 1000+ employees totally buy into what we’re trying to achieve.

Thank you for the interview!

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