
DCX Digital Content Expo

The DCX Digital Content Expo is the global event for media operators, publishers and content strategists that will take place from 8th to 9th October at Messe Berlin in terms of Berlin Publishing Days on 7th-10th October 2019.

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The event focusses on Content CreationContent Distribution and Content Monetization as the publishers’ trendsetting topics. These topics are crucial for targeted corporate communication as well. People in charge of Content Services and Content Marketing manage lots of corporate and product information to serve their customers as precise and efficient as possible.

To advance these topics, the DCX Digital Content Expo features digital trends for content production, distribution, management and monetization – at its own conference and with a major line-up of exhibitors and start-ups. The Expo, held concurrently with IFRA World Publishing Expo, offers a combination of an international marketplace and a high-quality conference program.

We show you the Future of Content – join us in Berlin!